Welcome to Searching for Truth!

This blog is written for those of us who are still searching in our faith, and by that I mean everyone. We are all still figuring out what exactly we believe in, and I believe that it helps to show different points of view. I will be writing about my own faith journey in this blog, along with my struggles, and I hope it helps those of you who may be dealing with some of the same questions that I am.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I've been getting bad vibes from people recently. I am friends with a wide group of people, some gay, some latino, some others, and I've been noticing how unaccepting people are! I don't think there is anything wrong with being gay personally, and its absolutely ok if you don't feel comfortable with the concept, but don't treat them differently because of who they love! Same goes for latinos and others. My really good friend just told me today about an incident that happened during high school where she was trying to write a video script. Some guys were also doing the same project and they said, "Hey! Let's do ours about how all Mexicans are stupid and thieves and should be put in jail!" She said, "You know I'm Mexican right?" And the fools said, "Hey, want to be in our video?" Not ok people. Seriously. Sometimes things you say have a bigger impact than you think. And as for acceptance, well, the Bible says........................................................

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